"It’s in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me."
Maya Angelou
To celebrate International Women's Day we have asked the women behind Ottoman Hands to share their inspirations and role models.

Deniz Gurdal - Founder and Creative Director
"It is so difficult to pick a female icon who inspired me the most and I'd rather not give one specific name as there are so many great women in the history that inspire me. There are women who fought for women's rights as activists with their novels, words, stories and actions. There are many female artists that helped changed the world. So for me these are all inspirations from throughout our history. It's important to know that you can always make good changes and contribute to this world we all live in. We are all powerful and we need to remember this and even doing our small bits can make big changes. All you need is love."

Vicky - Commercial Director
"As you enter position of trust and power, dream a little before you think. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. You have to embrace the world if you want to live in it now. What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today when human contacts go so fast. Fashion is instant language. You cannot do something just for the money. You have to do things you believe in and eventually you will make money. To enjoy life fully Live Everyday......Laugh Everytime......Love Everyone......Learn Everything......RISE AND SHINE !
I feel truly inspired by Toni Morrison, Eleanor Roosevelt, Miuccia Prada."

Hanna - Wholesale Manager
"My inspirational woman is Frida Kahlo. I admire her talent, vision, strength and independence. As a lover of colourful clothing and prints I love her aesthetic and how it shows off her personality and background."

Ayshe - PR & Marketing Executive
"I would easily say my grandmother Zeynep, who passed away three years ago is my inspiration. She had 19 grandchildren and made sure she gave her loving attention to each and every grandchild. I would visit her every week and get lost in her life stories; she would transport me to from many vivid memories from her childhood in North Cyprus to brining up five children in 1960s London. She was so popular that wherever she was, she was everyone's grandmother, aunt or friend. She was very smart, open-minded and always aware and interested in what was going on in the world. She was my go to whenever I wanted some escapism, her wise words and kindness have stuck with me and always will be. She may not be here but I know that I can say how proud I am to have had such an amazing role model in Zeynep nene, who till this day has an influence on who I am".

Imene - Digital Content Designer
“I grew up reading Harry Potter and so I think J.K.Rawling is a woman who inspired me a lot as a kid and teenager. I remember reading her books and feeling inspired by how strong, independent and fearless the female characters she created were. I also admire her fo her support to charities and medical research.”

Fabienne - Intern
"Katherine Johnson was the first African American woman in history to be asked by the astronaut John Gleen to double-check the calculations for his first orbit around the Earth, which had been previously calculated by a computer. On this important month for us, women, we need to encourage advancement of our rights and still prove that women are capable of doing everything."

Natasha - Marketing Director
"There are so many amazing and inspiring historical women like Marie Curie, Rosa Parks, Valentina Tereshkova. I think however, the woman who left the biggest influence on me is my grandmother. She has the most resilient and positive spirit, lots of charisma and a very strong sense of persuasion (nothing can ever be done without nan's approval =D). She grew up during World War II, moved countries, raised kids, enjoyed becoming a grandmother and did everything with such brilliant energy."

Marylise - Intern
“Always aim high, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in. And, when you stumble, keep faith. And, when you’re knocked down, get right back up and never listen to anyone who says you can’t or shouldn’t go on.” - Hillary Rodham Clinton
We would love to hear about women who have inspired you!